World Health Day 2017

World Health Day takes places today — April 7th, 2017. This year the focus is depression – opening lines of communication and ending the stigma by using the words “Let’s Talk”.

Depression is a type of mental illness that has a significant impact on many lives around the world. It should not come as a surprise that depression exists in the workplace as well. As an employer, it is imperative to view depression, and other forms of mental illness, just as seriously as you would a physical illness.

Did You Know?

  • Mental health problems and illnesses typically account for approximately 30% of short-and long-term disability claims. 1
  • For two in ten (16%) working Canadians (excluding self-employed workers), their place of work is a ‘frequent’ (11%) or an ‘ongoing’ (5%) source of feelings of depression, anxiety or other mental illness.2
  • Just one in three (35%) would ‘likely’ (9% very/26% somewhat) to have an open discussion with their boss about their mental health or illness.2
  • 65% of managers/supervisors say they could do their job more effectively if they found ways to more easily manage distressed employees.3

Developing a return-to-work program, which will be beneficial to both the employer and employee, is an important step in committing to a stigma-free workplace.

As part of the return-to-work process, Apex can now complete cognitive demands analyses.





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