Service Spotlight:
Hearing Conservation Programs

When was the last time that you took a hearing test? Better yet, have you ever taken a hearing test? Hearing tests are typically taken as a reactive measure: you notice hearing loss therefore you take a hearing test. However, as an employer, it is important to prevent hearing loss before it can have serious effects on your employees.

Hearing Conservation Programs focus on helping to prevent noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) that can  result from exposure to industrial noise and other environmental factors. For example, imagine you have a job in a factory or a warehouse. The first day you may think that the noise is loud, but eventually you feel as though you get used to it.  However, any exposure to noise levels equal to or above 85 dB/hour over an eight hour weighted average, is considered hazardous.

Noise induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational illnesses, but it is often ignored because there are no visible effects. It develops over a long period of time and, except in very rare cases, there is no pain. Without even realizing, a progressive loss of communication, socialization and responsiveness to the environment occurs. It’s important to be proactive rather than reactive, because by the time you realize it may be too late.

Apex Occupational Health and Wellness offers Hearing Conservation Programs that can be delivered either onsite at your workplace for your employees’ convenience, or can be scheduled by appointment at our office located on River Rd in Kitchener, ON.

Hearing Conservation Programs include:

  • Audiometric History Questionnaires – the completed questionnaires allow us to identify non-work related exposures to loud noise and other issues that may impact an individuals’ hearing test results
  • Audiogram – during our one-on-one consultations your employees go through the hearing test and we educate them on hearing protection practices
  • Annual Screening – baseline and periodic hearing tests are conducted on all of your employees, when changes are identified, the findings are reviewed and a course of action is recommended
16474555_l Help your employees hear, loud and clear, that their health is important to you!

Not only will a Hearing Conservation Program protect their hearing, but it can also help save you money in the long run.

Let Apex help you bring this program to your work, and conserve your employees’ hearing, one ear at a time.



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