Onsite Flu Clinic: Have You Started Thinking About It?

Have you been thinking about hosting an onsite flu clinic at your workplace? With the high impact of last year’s influenza season, thinking about booking your clinic now is a great idea!

Last year’s flu season was particularly nasty, and the numbers prove it. According to Infection Prevention and Control Canada (IPAC), between August 27, 2017 and June 23, 2018 there were 55, 015 confirmed cases of seasonal influenza in Canada. This number is the highest impact that Canada has seen from influenza in, at least, the last 18 years.

Why should you get the flu shot?

First and foremost, to avoid getting the flu!

“Adults with influenza remain infectious for 3 to 5 days after onset of symptoms, and children remain infectious for up to a week after onset.” – IPAC

Influenza exposure can take place when symptoms are not present. This makes it hard to tell if someone already has influenza, which would make you want to avoid them! The Government of Canada says that receiving “the annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to help prevent influenza and its complications.”

We wrote a blog post last year about a form of protection called herd immunity. Herd immunity is a form of immunity that occurs when the vaccination of a significant portion of the population provides a measure of protection for the weak and vulnerable population.

It was extremely saddening to see the young children who were tragically affected by influenza last year in our community. IPAC says that young children, those over 65 years of age or people with other systemic illnesses (e.g. heart disease, diabetes, cancer, respiratory illnesses) can be severely affected by influenza and should be immunized against influenza every year. Getting the flu shot helps you contribute to herd immunity and protects the most vulnerable from exposure.

How does the flu shot work?

IPAC states that “the influenza vaccine is composed of killed influenza virus strains that were in circulation in the previous year as well as those determined to be a risk for the current year. The virus is treated in the laboratory so that it will not cause disease, but the body will recognize it as a foreign “invader” and produce antibodies against it. By having antibodies build up before influenza actually appears, individuals are able to fight off the virus before it can cause disease.”

The Facts

Provided by the Government of Canada.

  • In Canada, an average of 12, 200 hospitalizations and 3, 500 deaths related to the flu occur each year.
  • Flu viruses change each year and experts create a new vaccine to protect you each flu season.
  • You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine.
  • The flu vaccine has benefited millions of Canadians since 1946.
  • Getting the flu vaccine is a simple action that can save lives.

Onsite Flu Clinic at Work

If you have been thinking about booking an onsite flu clinic at your workplace, book now to get your ideal date and time!

There are many benefits to providing an onsite flu clinic, including:

  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced employee replacement and/or overtime costs
  • Decreased interruption of production
  • Cut extended health cost
  • Decrease disruptions in the workplace
  • Healthier employees and families

By booking now you will have plenty of time to advertise your onsite flu clinic through the use of promotional posters, fact sheets, and company-wide e-mails. The more employees who participate, the more the return on your investment!

Contact Apex today to book your onsite flu clinic, or click here to learn more about how to start planning.

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