The Low Down on High Blood Pressure – World Hypertension Day: May 17



What is high blood pressure?

According to Hypertension Canada, high blood pressure, also called hypertension, means the pressure in your blood vessels is too high. This can damage your blood vessels and cause other health problems. Anyone can develop high blood pressure, but it becomes more common as you get older.


How is blood pressure measured?

Your blood pressure is measured with 2 numbers, systolic pressure (SBP) and a diastolic pressure (DBP) and is represented by a fraction (ex. 120mmHg/80mmHg). Millimeters of mercury (mmHg) is a standardized measurement of pressure. Systolic pressure occurs when your heart contracts and is the higher of the two numbers. Diastolic pressure is the lower number and it occurs when your heart relaxes and fills with blood. The higher your systolic or diastolic pressure, and the longer it stays high, the more damage there is to your blood vessels.


If your blood pressure is not well controlled, you have increased risk of:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Dementia
  • Kidney (renal) disease
  • Eye problems (retinopathy)
  • Erectile dysfunction

How Can You Prevent High Blood Pressure?

  • Participate in 30-60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week
  • Consume a healthy, balanced diet incorporating vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, legumes as well as nuts and seeds
  • Reduce or eliminate added salt; eat low-sodium food options and avoid processed foods that are often high sodium
  • Check nutrition labels for 5% or less daily value of sodium
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Do not smoke and avoid second-hand smoke when possible
  • Manage mental health and stress

Take charge of your health! Do your part to prevent hypertension and work towards a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Hypertension Canada

Government of Canada

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