Global Wellness Day: June 9th, 2018

Our vision at Apex is to help employers keep their employees healthy and ultimately better their lives. Global Wellness Day celebrates this vision and is devoted to the worldwide dream to live well.

What is Global Wellness Day?

Global Wellness Day was first established in 2012 in Turkey. It is now celebrated in 100 countries at 4000 different locations. The main aims of the day are to:

  • Recognize the value of our lives
  • Pause and think, even if for just one day of the year
  • Be free from the stress of everyday city life and bad habits
  • Make peace with ourselves
  • Raise awareness about living well and increase motivation, not just for today, but for the remaining 364 days of the year

Source: Global Wellness Day

As you can see: Global Wellness Day does not specifically focus on physical wellness, it also encourages mental/emotional wellness. Mental/emotional wellness involves taking a step back from your everyday life, noticing your stressors and recognizing what may need to change in your life in order to live well. Activities such as meditation, counseling or letting go of situations or people who are negatively impacting your mental health can help.

What can you do to start living well?

Any day is a good day to start your wellness journey, and if you want to start on Global Wellness Day (June 9th) then you can easily begin with the steps listed in the Global Wellness Day manifest.

These steps include:
  1. Walk for an hour: you feel happier as you walk because the brain secretes endorphins while you are walking. You can keep fit by walking which results in your muscles getting stronger, losing belly fat, reducing your level of cholesterol and help in overcoming your weight problems.
  2. Drink more water: people who drink less water may suffer exhaustion, attention deficiency and memory problems. The more water you drink the less carbonated drinks you tend to consume.
  3. Don’t use plastic bottles: plastic bottles made of petroleum waste cause innumerable damage to our health and the environment.
  4. Eat healthy food: try to consume foods produced through natural methods. Such as using appropriate fertilization and weed control techniques without using pesticides and certain chemicals.
  5. Do a good deed: do a good deed to break your prejudices and to make the world a better place to live. See how you will change your life by changing someone else’s.
  6. Have a family dinner with your loved ones: eat a family dinner with your loved ones in a room where, if possible, there are not smartphones and TV. Talk about your day. Listen to each other’s recommendations. Some research shows that family dinners with loved ones have a psychologically positive effect on children who suffer obesity.
  7. Sleep at 10:00 pm: sleep is a critical process during which our body regulates everything and repairs and heals itself. It slows down aging and protects us from diseases. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is released by the brain into the bloodstream during sleep. Its release is part of the repair and restoration function of sleep. The major HGH release is in the first period of stage 3 sleep during the night.

Source: Global Wellness Day Manifest


These steps help encompass many different types of wellness that will enrich your lives, from physical to emotional to environmental!

So what are you waiting for? Start to make changes today to live your best life!

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